
使用c 语言连接postgresql数据库 -m6米乐安卓版下载

原创 张玉龙 2021-11-08

在postgresql发行版中只包含两个客户端接口: libpq 和 ecpg

  • libpq is included because it is the primary c language interface, and because many other client interfaces are built on top of it.
  • ecpg is included because it depends on the server-side sql grammar, and is therefore sensitive to changes in postgresql itself.


name language comments website
dbd::pg perl perl dbi driver
jdbc java type 4 jdbc driver
libpqxx c c interface
node-postgres javascript node.js driver
npgsql .net .net data provider
pgtcl tcl -
pgtclng tcl -
pq go pure go driver for go’s database/sql
psqlodbc odbc odbc driver
psycopg python db api 2.0-compliant

libpqxx 文档参考:
libpqxx 当前最新版本:7.7.0 下载地址:国内 国外
需要注意,使用libpqxx 7.x版本的需要c 17,本次测试还是使用旧版本的libpqxx(4.0.1)。

下面是一段c 语言连接postgresql并做查询的一段代码

[root@pgtest3 ~]# vi test.cpp #include #include using namespace std; using namespace pqxx; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const char* sql; try{ connection conn("dbname=postgres user=postgres password=postgres hostaddr= port=5432"); nontransaction ntx(conn); sql = "select inet_server_addr(),pg_is_in_recovery(),current_database(),current_user"; result r(ntx.exec(sql)); for(result::const_iterator c=r.begin(); c!=r.end(); c){ cout<<"inet_server_addr: "<0].as<string>()<<endl; cout<<"pg_is_in_recovery: "<1].as<string>()<<endl; cout<<"current_database: "<2].as<string>()<<endl; cout<<"current_user: "<3].as<string>()<<endl; } conn.disconnect (); }catch (const std::exception &e){ cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }


[root@pgtest3 ~]# g test.cpp -lpqxx -lpq test.cpp:2:22: fatal error: pqxx/pqxx: no such file or directory #include ^ compilation terminated.

  编译安装最新版的libpqxx(当前最新版本:7.7.0),也会提示需要c 17,当前使用的是centos 7自带的c ,还得升级太麻烦,退而求其次还是使用老版本吧。


[root@pgtest3 ~]# cd /enmo/soft/libpqxx-4.0.1 [root@pgtest3 libpqxx-4.0.1]# ./configure config.status: executing configitems commands traceback (most recent call last): file "./tools/splitconfig", line 154, in generate_config(original_header, items_map, publication, factor) file "./tools/splitconfig", line 118, in generate_config % (publication, factor)) typeerror: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'


[root@pgtest3 libpqxx-4.0.1]# rm -f /usr/bin/python [root@pgtest3 libpqxx-4.0.1]# ln -s /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/python [root@pgtest3 libpqxx-4.0.1]# ./configure [root@pgtest3 libpqxx-4.0.1]# make [root@pgtest3 libpqxx-4.0.1]# make install


[root@pgtest3 ~]# g test.cpp -lpqxx -lpq /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpq collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

  找不到libpq库,那就安装一下 postgresql-devel 再次编译执行成功,返回查询结果

[root@pgtest3 ~]# yum install -y postgresql-devel [root@pgtest3 ~]# g test.cpp -lpqxx -lpq [root@pgtest3 ~]# ./a.out inet_server_addr: pg_is_in_recovery: f current_database: postgres current_user: postgres

