最近有开发反馈每个月1号insert表比平时要慢20-30分钟左右。然后取操作时间段的ash报告发现正好是相关insert 引起的db file sequential read等待事件:
考虑到影响到insert效率的一般均为索引,结合db file sequential read,基本可以诊断为数据库在将索引从磁盘读取到sga时导致的慢。
介绍:db file sequential read
db file sequential read是一种io读请求相关的等待。与”db file scattered read“不同,因为”sequential read“是将数据读到连续的内存(注意:这里指的是读到相连的内存,不是说读取的是连续的数据块。同时一次”scattered read“可以读多个块,将他们分散到sga的不同buffer)。这一事件通常显示与单个数据块相关的读取操作(如索引读取)。如果这个等待事件比较显著,可能表示在多表连接中,表的连接顺序存在问题,可能没有正确的使用驱动表;或者可能说明不加选择地进行索引。
一次”sequential read“通常是单块读,尽管可能看到对于多个块的”sequential read“。这种等待也可能在数据文件头读取中看到(p2=1表明是读取文件头)。
根据生产情况复现:insert 引起 db file sequential read 示例:
-- 创建测试表tmp 保留源表(sys_p14220)分区数据
sql> create table tmp_sys_p14220 as select * from t1 partition (sys_p14220);
table created.
-- 删除源表sys_p14220 分区数据
sql> alter table t1 truncate partition (sys_p14220) update indexes;
table truncated.
-- 打开10046 会话跟踪:
sql> alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever,level 12';
session altered.
-- 往表中插入大量数据
sql> insert into t1 select * from tmp_sys_p14220 where create_date>to_date('20231015','yyyymmdd') and create_date<to_date('20231016','yyyymmdd');
794497 rows created.
sql> commit;
commit complete.
-- 插入完成后,关闭10046
sql> alter session set events '10046 trace name context off';
session altered.
-- 查看trace 文件目录 :
sql> select tracefile from v$process where addr=(select paddr from v$session where sid=(select distinct sid from v$mystat));
-- 查看trace 文件 :
[root@twodb ~]#cat /u01/oracle/diag/rdbms/two/two/trace/two_ora_3234.trc | less
parsing in cursor #139756929115448 len=79 dep=0 uid=0 oct=2 lid=0 tim=1700483278294940 hv=3792282112 ad='513cc04a0' sqlid='2aj9hjzj0m8h0'
insert into t1 select * from tmp_sys_p14220 where create_date>to_date('20231015','yyyymmdd') and create_date<to_date('20231016','yyyymmdd');
end of stmt
parse #139756929115448:c=76989,e=346233,p=154,cr=198,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=3131486614,tim=1700483278294939
wait #139756929115448: nam='db file scattered read' ela= 6579 file#=6 block#=203 blocks=5 obj#=77121 tim=1700483278301925
wait #139756929115448: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 14 file#=6 block#=27920 blocks=1 obj#=76912 tim=1700483278302668
wait #139756929115448: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 42 file#=6 block#=27919 blocks=1 obj#=76912 tim=1700483278302802
wait #139756929115448: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 16 file#=6 block#=27904 blocks=1 obj#=76912 tim=1700483278303077
wait #139756929115448: nam='db file scattered read' ela= 2241 file#=8 block#=128 blocks=8 obj#=77121 tim=1700483278313280
wait #139756929115448: nam='db file scattered read' ela= 25 file#=6 block#=209 blocks=7 obj#=77121 tim=1700483278322700
sql> select object_name from all_objects where object_id='77121';
sql> select object_name from all_objects where object_id='76912';
-- 格式化trace 文件 :
[root@twodb ~]#tkprof /u01/oracle/diag/rdbms/two/two/trace/two_ora_3234.trc two_ora_3234.sql
-- 查看格式化trace :
[root@twodb ~]#cat two_ora_3234.sql
sql id: 28uudbqtq2949 plan hash: 3131486614
insert into t1 select * from tmp_sys_p14220 where create_date>to_date('20231015','yyyymmdd') and create_date<to_date('20231016','yyyymmdd');
call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
execute 1 35.34 46.81 672898 1484472 3205992 794497
fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total 2 35.34 46.81 672898 1484472 3205992 794497
misses in library cache during parse: 1
optimizer mode: all_rows
parsing user id: sys
number of plan statistics captured: 1
rows (1st) rows (avg) rows (max) row source operation
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------
0 0 0 load table conventional (cr=1484760 pr=672898 pw=0 time=46826365 us)
794497 794497 794497 table access full tmp_sys_p14220(cr=1374956 pr=672881 pw=0 time=7750080 us cost=374455 size=312265
116 card=778716)
elapsed times include waiting on following events:
event waited on times max. wait total waited
---------------------------------------- waited ---------- ------------
disk file operations i/o 5 0.00 0.00
db file scattered read 5734 0.12 5.56
db file sequential read 447 0.01 0.12
log buffer space 49 1.11 6.74
log file switch completion 4 0.41 0.92
sql*net message to client 1 0.00 0.00
sql*net message from client 1 0.00 0.00
-- 删除无用主键索引:
-- 删除主键约束:
sql> alter table t1 drop constraint pk_t1_id;
-- 删除索引
sql> drop index pk_t1_id;
-- 分区索引拼接重建sql
select 'alter index '|| index_name || ' rebuild partition '|| partition_name || ' online tablespace 表名称;' from user_ind_partitions where index_name in ('索引名称');
sql> show parameter db_keep_cache_size
name type value
------------------------------------ ----------- --------
db_keep_cache_size big integer 200m
-- 分区索引
sql> alter index two.idx01 modify default attributes storage (buffer_pool keep);
-- 查看
sql> select index_name,buffer_pool from dba_indexes where index_name='idx01';
index_name buffer_
------------------------------ -------
-- 普通索引
sql>alter index two.idx1 storage ( buffer_pool keep);
sql> select index_name,buffer_pool from dba_indexes where buffer_pool='keep';
index_name buffer_
------------------------------ -------
idx1 keep