
原创 张玉龙 2022-04-02

postgresql 安装了 orafce 插件,发现bug提交给社区插件作者,作者修复后如何更新到现有环境中?


在对 postgresql 插件 orafce 进行测试的时候发现一个问题:https://www.modb.pro/db/388853 《substrb 函数》。

substrb 函数对于负值的起始位置返回错误的结果

postgres=# select substrb('aaabbbccc',4,3) from dual; substrb --------- bbb (1 row) -- 以下这个返回的结果应该是错误的 postgres=# select substrb('aaabbbccc',-2,6) from dual; substrb --------- aaa (1 row) -- oracle 的结果是 cc sql> select substrb('aaabbbccc',-2,6) from dual; su -- cc


将这个问题提交到 github 社区,插件作者很快就给了回复并进行了修复,不得不说这位大佬的效率是真的快,给大佬点赞。



[root@pgtest1 ~]# cd /enmo/soft/ [root@pgtest1 soft]# unzip orafce-master.zip [root@pgtest1 soft]# cd orafce-master [root@pgtest1 orafce-master]# make [root@pgtest1 orafce-master]# make install [root@pgtest1 orafce-master]# psql -c "alter extension orafce update;"


postgres=# select substrb('aaabbbccc',-2,6) from dual; substrb --------- cc (1 row)


如果遇到不幸运的情况,就得需要删除插件再重新安装,但是删除 orafce 插件,相关联的字段也都需要删除,这种更新如果在生产上是比较致命的。


在对 postgresql 插件 orafce 进行测试的时候发现一个问题:https://www.modb.pro/db/388853 《nvl2 函数》。

drop table tt; create table tt (col1 int,col3 int); insert into tt values (1001,1000),(1002,2000),(2002,null),(3001,3000); -- oracle sql> select col1, nvl2(col3,'is not null','is null') from tt; col1 nvl2(col3,' ---------- ----------- 1001 is not null 1002 is not null 2002 is null 3001 is not null -- orafce number is ok postgres=# select col1, nvl2(col3,0,1) from tt; col1 | nvl2 ------ ------ 1001 | 0 1002 | 0 2002 | 1 3001 | 0 (4 rows) -- 返回数值类型的没问题,返回字符类型有问题 postgres=# select col1, nvl2(col3,'is not null','is null') from tt; error: invalid input syntax for type integer: "is not null" line 1: select col1, nvl2(col3,'is not null','is null') from tt; ^




  • 尝试更新一下插件,没用
postgres=# \dx list of installed extensions name | version | schema | description -------------------- --------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- orafce | 3.19 | public | functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the oracle rdbms pg_stat_statements | 1.8 | public | track planning and execution statistics of all sql statements executed plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | pl/pgsql procedural language (3 rows) postgres=# alter extension orafce update; notice: version "3.19" of extension "orafce" is already installed alter extension postgres=# \dx list of installed extensions name | version | schema | description -------------------- --------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- orafce | 3.19 | public | functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the oracle rdbms pg_stat_statements | 1.8 | public | track planning and execution statistics of all sql statements executed plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | pl/pgsql procedural language (3 rows) postgres=# select col1, nvl2(col3,'is not null','is null') from tt; error: invalid input syntax for type integer: "is not null" line 1: select col1, nvl2(col3,'is not null','is null') from tt; ^
  • 那就删除重装吧
postgres=# drop extension orafce; error: cannot drop extension orafce because other objects depend on it detail: table test_range depends on type date column hiredate of table emp depends on type date column hire_date of table employees depends on type date column end_date of table job_history depends on type date column start_date of table job_history depends on type date column loc of table dept depends on type varchar2 column dname of table dept depends on type varchar2 column job of table emp depends on type varchar2 column ename of table emp depends on type varchar2 column job of table bonus depends on type varchar2 column ename of table bonus depends on type varchar2 column country_name of table countries depends on type varchar2 column department_name of table departments depends on type varchar2 column job_id of table employees depends on type varchar2 column phone_numeric of table employees depends on type varchar2 column email of table employees depends on type varchar2 column last_name of table employees depends on type varchar2 view emp_view depends on column last_name of table employees column first_name of table employees depends on type varchar2 materialized view mview_tt depends on column first_name of table employees column job_title of table jobs depends on type varchar2 column job_id of table jobs depends on type varchar2 column job_id of table job_history depends on type varchar2 column state_province of table locations depends on type varchar2 column city of table locations depends on type varchar2 column postal_code of table locations depends on type varchar2 column street_address of table locations depends on type varchar2 column region_name of table regions depends on type varchar2 hint: use drop ... cascade to drop the dependent objects too. postgres=# drop extension orafce cascade; postgres=# create extension orafce; postgres=# create table tt (col1 int,col3 int); postgres=# insert into tt values (1001,1000),(1002,2000),(2002,null),(3001,3000); postgres=# select col1, nvl2(col3,'is not null','is null') from tt; col1 | nvl2 ------ ------------- 1001 | is not null 1002 | is not null 2002 | is null 3001 | is not null (4 rows)


最后修改时间:2022-04-06 09:26:39


