- 对标 oracle 的版本:
- 为了美化表格显示,将以下数据库名称进行简写
- postgresql --> pgsql
- opengauss --> og
- 本文仅供参考
表名 |
pgsql 13.3 |
orafce 3.19 |
og 2.1 |
og 3.0 |
mysql 8.0 |
ivorysql 1.2 |
dual |
n |
y |
n |
n |
y |
y |
类型 |
pgsql 13.3 |
orafce 3.19 |
og 2.1 |
og 3.0 |
mysql 8.0 |
ivorysql 1.2 |
rownum |
n |
n |
y |
y |
n |
n |
select * from emp where rownum <= 8;
postgres=# select * from emp limit 8;
select *
from (select row_number() over () rownum, * from emp) b
where rownum <= 8;
字段 |
pgsql 13.3 |
orafce 3.19 |
og 2.1 |
og 3.0 |
mysql 8.0 |
ivorysql 1.2 |
char |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
varchar2 |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
nvarchar2 |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
number |
n |
n |
y |
y |
n |
y |
float |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
date |
只存储日期 |
y |
y |
y |
只存储日期 |
y |
timestamp(6) |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
blob |
n |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
clob |
n |
n |
y |
y |
n |
n |
nclob |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
long |
n |
n |
n |
n |
y |
n |
long raw |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
raw |
n |
n |
y |
y |
n |
n |
函数 |
说明 |
ascii(x) |
返回字符x的ascii码 |
concat(x,y) |
连接字符串x和y |
instr(x,str[,start][,n]) |
从x中查找str,可以指定从start开始,也可以指定从n开始 |
length(x) |
返回x的长度(字符个数) |
lengthb(x) |
返回x的长度(字节数) |
lower(x) |
x转换成小写 |
upper(x) |
x转换成大写 |
initcap(x) |
将x中的第一个字母转换成大写 |
ltrim(x[,trim_str]) |
把x的左边截去trim_str字符串,缺省截去空格 |
rtrim(x[,trim_str]) |
把x的右边截去trim_str字符串,缺省截去空格 |
trim([trim_str from]x) |
把x的两边截去trim_str字符串,缺省截去空格 |
replace(x,old,new) |
在x中查找old,并替换成new |
substr(x,start[,length]) |
返回x的字串,从start处开始,截取length个字符,缺省length,默认到结尾 |
substrb(x,start[,length]) |
- |
lpad(x,n,y) |
在字符串x的左边补齐空格,得到总长为n个字符的字符串。其中y是可选项,这个参数用于指定左边补齐的字符串 |
rpad(x,n,y) |
在字符串x的右边补齐空格,得到总长为n个字符的字符串。其中y是可选项,这个参数用于指定右边补齐的字符串 |
- |
- |
chr(n) |
- |
nchr(number) |
- |
nls_initcap(char) |
- |
nls_lower(char) |
- |
nls_upper(char) |
- |
nlssort(char) |
- |
regexp_replace(source_char,pattern,replace_string) |
- |
regexp_substr(source_char,pattern) |
- |
regexp_count(source_char,pattern) |
- |
regexp_instr(source_char,pattern) |
- |
soundex(char) |
- |
translate(expr,from_string,to_string) |
- |
上面各函数在 oracle 中执行的例子
sql> select ascii('a') a from dual;
sql> select concat('hello','world') a from dual;
sql> select instr('hello world','or') a from dual;
sql> select length('hello') a from dual;
sql> select lengthb('hello') a from dual;
sql> select lower('hello') a from dual;
sql> select upper('hello') a from dual;
sql> select initcap('hello') a from dual;
sql> select ltrim('=hello=','=') a from dual;
sql> select rtrim('=hello=','=') a from dual;
sql> select trim('='from'=hello=') a from dual;
sql> select replace('abcde','cd','aaa') a from dual;
sql> select substr('abcde',2,3) a from dual;
sql> select substrb('abcde',2,3) a from dual;
sql> select lpad('helloworld',15,'&') a from dual;
sql> select rpad('helloworld',15,'&') a from dual;
sql> select chr(67)||chr(65)||chr(84) "dog" from dual;
sql> select nchr(187) from dual;
sql> select nls_initcap('ijsland') "a" from dual;
sql> select nls_lower('ijsland') "a" from dual;
sql> select nls_upper('ijsland') "a" from dual;
sql> select nlssort('ijsland') "a" from dual;
sql> select regexp_replace('500 oracle parkway, redwood shores, ca', '( ){2,}', ' ') "regexp_replace" from dual;
sql> select regexp_substr('500 oracle parkway, redwood shores, ca', ',[^,] ,') "regexpr_substr" from dual;
sql> select regexp_count('123123123123', '123', 3, 'i') count from dual;
sql> select regexp_instr('500 oracle parkway, redwood shores, ca', '[^ ] ', 1, 6) "regexp_instr" from dual;
sql> select soundex('b') from dual;
sql> select translate('sql*plus user''s guide', ' */''', '___') from dual;
函数 |
pgsql 13.3 |
orafce 3.19 |
og 2.1 |
og 3.0 |
mysql 8.0 |
ivorysql 1.2 |
ascii |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
concat |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
instr |
n |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
length |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
lengthb |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
lower |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
upper |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
initcap |
y |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
ltrim |
y |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
rtrim |
y |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
trim |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
replace |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
substr |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
substrb |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
lpad |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
rpad |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
chr |
y |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
nchr |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
nls_initcap |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
nls_lower |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
nls_upper |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
nlssort |
n |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
regexp_replace |
结果不一致 |
y |
结果不一致 |
结果不一致 |
y |
y |
regexp_substr |
n |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
regexp_count |
n |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
regexp_instr |
n |
y |
n |
n |
y |
y |
soundex |
n |
n |
n |
n |
y |
n |
translate |
y |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
sql> select trim(' helloworld ') from dual;
mysql> select trim(' helloworld ') from dual;
| trim(' helloworld ') |
| helloworld |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
函数 |
说明 |
示例 |
abs(x) |
x的绝对值 |
abs(-3)=3 |
cos(x) |
x的余弦 |
cos(1)=0.540302306 |
acos(x) |
x的反余弦 |
acos(1)=0 |
sin(x) |
x的正弦 |
sin(1)=0.841470985 |
asin(x) |
x的反正弦 |
asin(1)=1.57079633 |
tan(x) |
x的正切 |
tan(1)=1.55740772 |
atan(x) |
x的反切 |
atan(1)=0.785398163 |
ceil(x) |
大于或等于x的最小值 |
ceil(5.4)=6 |
floor(x) |
小于或等于x的最大值 |
floor(5.8)=5 |
log(x,y) |
x为底y的对数 |
log(2,4)=2 |
mod(x,y) |
x除以y的余数 |
mod(8,3)=2 |
power(x,y) |
x的y次幂 |
power(2,3)=8 |
round(x[,y]) |
x在第y位四舍五入 |
round(3.456,2)=3.46 |
sqrt(x) |
x的平方根 |
sqrt(4)=2 |
trunc(x[,y]) |
x在第y位截断 |
trunc(3.456,2)=3.45 |
- |
- |
- |
atan2(n1,n2) |
- |
atan2(.3, .2)=0.982793723 |
bitand(expr1,expr2) |
- |
bitand(6,3)=2 |
cosh(n) |
- |
cosh(0)=1 |
exp(n) |
- |
exp(4)=54.59815 |
ln(n) |
- |
ln(95)=4.55387689 |
nanvl(n2,n1) |
- |
- |
remainder(n2,n1) |
- |
- |
sign(n) |
- |
sign(-15)=-1 |
sinh(n) |
- |
sinh(1)=1.17520119 |
tanh(n) |
- |
tanh(.5)=0.462117157 |
width_bucket(expr, min_value, max_value, num_buckets) |
- |
- |
函数 |
pgsql 13.3 |
orafce 3.19 |
og 2.1 |
og 3.0 |
mysql 8.0 |
ivorysql 1.2 |
abs |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
cos |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
acos |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
sin |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
asin |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
tan |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
atan |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
ceil |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
floor |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
log |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
显式转换 |
mod |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
power |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
round (number) |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
sqrt |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
trunc (number) |
y |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
atan2 |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
bitand |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
cosh |
y |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
exp |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
ln |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
nanvl |
n |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
remainder |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
sign |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
sinh |
y |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
tanh |
y |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
width_bucket |
y |
y |
y |
y |
- |
y |
oracle=# \df log
list of functions
schema | name | result data type | argument data types | type
oracle | log | "number" | "number" | func
oracle | log | "number" | "number", "number" | func
pg_catalog | log | double precision | double precision | func
pg_catalog | log | numeric | numeric | func
pg_catalog | log | numeric | numeric, numeric | func
(5 rows)
oracle=# select log(2,4) a from dual;
error: function log(integer, integer) is not unique
line 1: select log(2,4) a from dual;
hint: could not choose a best candidate function. you might need to add explicit type casts.
oracle=# show search_path;
public, oracle, pg_catalog
(1 row)
oracle=# select log(2::number,4) a from dual;
(1 row)
oracle=# select log(2::numeric,4) a from dual;
(1 row)
sql> create table float_point_demo (dec_num number(10,2), bin_double binary_double, bin_float binary_float);
table created.
sql> insert into float_point_demo values (0,'nan','nan');
1 row created.
sql> select * from float_point_demo;
dec_num bin_double bin_float
0 nan nan
sql> select bin_float, nanvl(bin_float,0) from float_point_demo;
bin_float nanvl(bin_float,0)
nan 0
binary_double 和 binary_float 字段类型只有 opengauss 2.1 支持创建
opengauss=# create table float_point_demo (bin_double binary_double, bin_float binary_float);
create table
opengauss=# \d float_point_demo
table "public.float_point_demo"
column | type | modifiers | storage | stats target | description
bin_double | double precision | | plain | |
bin_float | real | | plain | |
has oids: no
options: orientation=row, compression=no
函数 |
说明 |
sysdate |
获得当前系统时间 |
add_months(d,n) |
在某一个日期 d 上,加上指定的月数 n,返回计算后的新日期。 |
last_day(d) |
返回指定日期当月的最后一天。 |
months_between(x,y) |
给出date(y) - date(x) 的月数(可以是小数) |
next_day(x,day) |
返回从x开始一周内,下一个day的日期,这里的day为星期 |
extract(fmt from d) |
提取日期中的特定部分。 |
round(d[,fmt]) |
返回一个以 fmt 为格式的四舍五入日期值, d 是日期, fmt 是格式 |
trunc(d[,fmt]) |
返回一个以 fmt 为格式的截断日期值(不进行四舍五入), d 是日期, fmt 是格式 |
to_char(datetime/interval) |
将日期格式转为字符格式 |
- |
- |
current_date |
- |
current_timestamp |
- |
dbtimezone |
- |
sessiontimezone |
- |
from_tz(timestamp_value,time_zone_value) |
- |
systimestamp |
- |
localtimestamp |
- |
new_time(date,timezone1,timezone2) |
- |
numtodsinterval(n,interval_unit) |
- |
numtoyminterval(n,interval_unit) |
- |
sys_extract_utc(datetime_with_timezone) |
- |
to_dsinterval |
- |
to_timestamp |
- |
to_timestamp_tz |
- |
to_yminterval |
- |
tz_offset |
- |
上面各函数在 oracle 中执行的例子
sql> select sysdate from dual;
sql> select add_months(sysdate,2) from dual;
sql> select last_day(sysdate) from dual;
sql> select months_between(sysdate,to_date('20181120','yyyymmdd')) a from dual;
sql> select next_day(sysdate,'monday') from dual;
sql> select extract(year from sysdate) "year" from dual;
sql> select round(to_date('20190715','yyyymmdd'),'month') from dual;
sql> select round(to_date('20190716','yyyymmdd'),'month') from dual;
sql> select trunc(to_date('20190716','yyyymmdd'),'month') from dual;
sql> select trunc(sysdate,'year') from dual;
sql> select to_char(sysdate) from dual;
sql> select current_date from dual;
sql> select current_timestamp from dual;
sql> select dbtimezone from dual;
sql> select sessiontimezone from dual;
sql> select from_tz(timestamp '2000-03-28 08:00:00', '3:00') from dual;
sql> select systimestamp from dual;
sql> select localtimestamp from dual;
sql> select new_time(to_date('11-10-09 01:23:45', 'mm-dd-yy hh24:mi:ss'), 'ast', 'pst') "new date and time" from dual;
sql> select numtodsinterval(100, 'day') from dual;
sql> select numtoyminterval(1,'year') from dual;
sql> select sys_extract_utc(timestamp '2000-03-28 11:30:00.00 -08:00') from dual;
sql> select to_char(timestamp '2009-01-01 00:00:00' to_dsinterval('p100dt05h'), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') "time stamp" from dual;
sql> select to_timestamp ('10-sep-02 14:10:10.123000', 'dd-mon-rr hh24:mi:ss.ff') from dual;
sql> select to_timestamp_tz('1999-12-01 11:00:00 -8:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss tzh:tzm') from dual;
sql> select to_yminterval('01-02')from dual;
sql> select tz_offset('us/eastern') from dual;
函数 |
pgsql 13.3 |
orafce 3.19 |
og 2.1 |
og 3.0 |
mysql 8.0 |
ivorysql 1.2 |
sysdate |
n |
加括号 |
y |
y |
加括号 |
y |
add_months |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
last_day |
n |
y |
y |
y |
只返回日期 |
y |
months_between |
n |
小数部分不准确 |
n |
n |
n |
y |
next_day |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
extract (datetime) |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
round (date) |
n |
y |
n |
n |
结果不一致 |
y |
trunc (date) |
n |
y |
n |
y |
n |
y |
to_char (datetime) |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
current_date |
只返回日期 |
只返回日期 |
只返回日期 |
只返回日期 |
只返回日期 |
只返回日期 |
current_timestamp |
y |
y |
y |
y |
不带时区 |
y |
dbtimezone |
n |
加括号 |
n |
n |
n |
加括号 |
sessiontimezone |
n |
加括号 |
n |
n |
n |
加括号 |
from_tz |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
y |
systimestamp |
n |
n |
y |
n |
n |
y |
localtimestamp |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
new_time |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
y |
numtodsinterval |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
numtoyminterval |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
y |
sys_extract_utc |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
结果不准确 |
to_dsinterval |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
y |
to_timestamp |
y |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
to_timestamp_tz |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
y |
to_yminterval |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
y |
tz_offset |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
函数 |
说明 |
asciistr |
- |
bin_to_num |
- |
cast |
- |
chartorowid |
- |
compose |
- |
convert |
- |
decompose |
- |
hextoraw |
- |
numtodsinterval |
同上 |
numtoyminterval |
同上 |
to_char (character) |
- |
to_char (datetime) |
同上 |
to_char (number) |
- |
to_date |
- |
to_dsinterval |
同上 |
to_multi_byte |
- |
to_number |
- |
to_single_byte |
- |
to_timestamp |
同上 |
to_timestamp_tz |
同上 |
to_yminterval |
同上 |
unistr |
- |
rawtohex |
- |
rawtonhex |
- |
rowidtochar |
- |
rowidtonchar |
- |
scn_to_timestamp |
- |
timestamp_to_scn |
- |
to_binary_double |
- |
to_binary_float |
- |
to_blob |
- |
to_clob |
- |
to_lob |
- |
to_nchar (character) |
- |
to_nchar (datetime) |
- |
to_nchar (number) |
- |
to_nclob |
- |
treat |
- |
上面各函数在 oracle 中执行的例子
sql> select asciistr('abäcde') from dual;
sql> select bin_to_num(1,0,1,0) from dual;
sql> select cast('22-oct-1997' as timestamp) from dual;
sql> select chartorowid('aaafd1aafaaaabsaa/') from dual;
sql> select compose( 'o' || unistr('\0308') ) from dual;
sql> select convert('ä ê í õ ø a b c d e ', 'us7ascii', 'we8iso8859p1') from dual;
postgres=# select convert('abc中国'::bytea, 'utf8', 'gbk');
sql> select hextoraw('4041424344') from dual;
sql> select to_char('01110') from dual;
sql> select to_char('01110' 1) from dual;
sql> select to_date('20190715','yyyymmdd') from dual;
sql> select dump(to_multi_byte( 'a')) from dual;
sql> select to_number('1111') from dual;
sql> select to_single_byte('aaa') from dual;
sql> select unistr('abc\00e5\00f1\00f6') from dual;
函数 |
pgsql 13.3 |
orafce 3.19 |
og 2.1 |
og 3.0 |
mysql 8.0 |
ivorysql 1.2 |
asciistr |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
bin_to_num |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
y |
cast |
y |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
chartorowid |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
compose |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
convert |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
decompose |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
hextoraw |
n |
n |
y |
y |
n |
n |
to_char (character) |
n |
n |
y |
y |
n |
y |
to_char (number) |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
to_date |
只返回日期 |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
to_multi_byte |
n |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
to_number |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
to_single_byte |
n |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
unistr |
n |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
rawtohex |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
rawtonhex |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
rowidtochar |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
rowidtonchar |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
scn_to_timestamp |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
timestamp_to_scn |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
to_binary_double |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
to_binary_float |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
to_blob |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
to_clob |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
to_lob |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
to_nchar (character) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
to_nchar (datetime) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
to_nchar (number) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
to_nclob |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
treat |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
函数 |
说明 |
listagg |
- |
vm_concat |
- |
median |
- |
上面各函数在 oracle 中执行的例子
drop table tt cascade;
create table tt (col1 int,col3 char);
insert into tt values (1001,'1');
insert into tt values (2001,'2');
insert into tt values (3001,'3');
insert into tt values (4001,'4');
sql> select listagg(col1,':') within group (order by col1) from tt;
sql> select wm_concat(col3) from tt;
sql> select median(col1) from tt;
函数 |
pgsql 13.3 |
orafce 3.19 |
og 2.1 |
og 3.0 |
mysql 8.0 |
ivorysql 1.2 |
listagg |
n |
显式转换 |
y |
y |
n |
显式转换 |
median |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
vm_concat |
y |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
- vm_concat 在 postgresql 和 ivorysql 中只能转换字符类型,不能转换数值类型。
- vm_concat 在 oracle 用的比较多,opengauss 系列的数据库不支持的话,可以使用下面的方式手工创建这个函数
create or replace function vm_concat_state_func (results text, val text)
returns text
language sql cost 50 immutable
as $$ select results || ',' ||val; $$;
create or replace function vm_concat_final_func (results text)
returns text
language sql cost 111 immutable
as $$ select substr(results, 2); $$;
create aggregate wm_concat(text)
sfunc = vm_concat_state_func,
stype = text,
initcond = '',
finalfunc = vm_concat_final_func
general comparison functions
上面各函数在 oracle 中执行的例子
sql> select greatest('harry', 'harriot', 'harold') "greatest" from dual;
sql> select greatest(1, 3.925, 2.4) "greatest" from dual;
sql> select least('harry', 'harriot', 'harold') "greatest" from dual;
sql> select least(1, 3.925, 2.4) "greatest" from dual;
函数 |
pgsql 13.3 |
orafce 3.19 |
og 2.1 |
og 3.0 |
mysql 8.0 |
ivorysql 1.2 |
greatest |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
least |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
encoding and decoding functions
函数 |
说明 |
decode |
- |
dump |
- |
ora_hash |
- |
vsize |
- |
上面各函数在 oracle 中执行的例子
drop table tt;
create table tt (col1 int,col3 int);
insert into tt values (1001,1),(2001,2),(3001,3),(4001,4);
select col1,
decode(col3, 1, 'one',
2, 'two',
3, 'three',
'other number') "num-word"
from tt;
col1 | num-word
1001 | one
2001 | two
3001 | three
4001 | other number
sql> select dump('abc') from dual;
sql> select vsize('abc') from dual;
函数 |
pgsql 13.3 |
orafce 3.19 |
og 2.1 |
og 3.0 |
mysql 8.0 |
ivorysql 1.2 |
decode |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
dump |
n |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
ora_hash |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
vsize |
n |
n |
n |
n |
n |
y |
null-related functions
函数 |
说明 |
coalesce |
- |
lnnvl |
- |
nanvl |
同上 |
nullif |
- |
nvl |
- |
nvl2 |
- |
上面各函数在 oracle 中执行的例子
drop table tt;
create table tt (col1 int,col3 int);
insert into tt values (1002,2000);
insert into tt values (2002,null);
sql> select * from tt;
col1 col3
1002 2000
sql> select col1,col3 from tt where lnnvl( col3 > 2000 );
col1 col3
1002 2000
sql> select col1,nullif(col3,col1) from tt;
col1 nullif(col3,col1)
1002 2000
sql> select col1, nvl(col3,0) "nvl" from tt;
col1 nvl
1002 2000
2002 0
sql> select col1, nvl2(col3,'is not null','is null') from tt;
col1 nvl2(col3,'
1002 is not null
2002 is null
sql> select col1, nvl2(col3,0,1) from tt;
col1 nvl2(col3,0,1)
1002 0
2002 1
函数 |
pgsql 13.3 |
orafce 3.19 |
og 2.1 |
og 3.0 |
mysql 8.0 |
ivorysql 1.2 |
coalesce |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
lnnvl |
n |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
nullif |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
y |
nvl |
n |
y |
y |
y |
n |
y |
nvl2 |
n |
y |
n |
n |
n |
y |
oracle 的其他函数