几个开源数据库对比 oracle 分区表-m6米乐安卓版下载

原创 张玉龙 2022-04-09
维护 pgsql 13.3 og 2.1 og 3.0 mysql 8.0 ivorysql 1.2
增加分区 y y y - y
删除分区 y y y - y
截断分区 y y y - y
合并分区 n y y - n
拆分分区 n y y - n
交换分区 n y y - n
移动分区 y y y - y
修改分区名称 y y y - y
  • 备注:
    • opengauss 的交换分区测试失败,不晓得啥原因,看文档是支持交换分区。
    • postgresql and ivorysql 对虽然不支持交换分区,单是可以通过分区的解绑和绑定来很简单的变相实现。
    • 本文均是测试结果,仅供参考
-- oracle select table_name,partition_name,num_rows,high_value from dba_tab_partitions where table_name='emp_range_range'; table_name partition_name num_rows high_value ----------------- ---------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ emp_range_range hiredate_max maxvalue emp_range_range hiredate_1987 to_date(' 1988-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss', 'nls_calendar=gregorian') emp_range_range hiredate_1986 to_date(' 1987-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss', 'nls_calendar=gregorian') emp_range_range hiredate_1985 to_date(' 1986-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss', 'nls_calendar=gregorian') emp_range_range hiredate_1984 to_date(' 1985-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss', 'nls_calendar=gregorian') emp_range_range hiredate_1983 to_date(' 1984-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss', 'nls_calendar=gregorian') emp_range_range hiredate_1982 to_date(' 1983-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss', 'nls_calendar=gregorian') emp_range_range hiredate_1981 to_date(' 1982-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss', 'nls_calendar=gregorian') emp_range_range hiredate_1980 to_date(' 1981-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss', 'nls_calendar=gregorian') emp_range_range hiredate_1979 to_date(' 1980-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss', 'nls_calendar=gregorian') 10 rows selected. select table_name,partition_name,subpartition_name,num_rows,high_value from dba_tab_subpartitions where table_name='emp_range_range'; table_name partition_name subpartition_name num_rows high_value ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ----------------- emp_range_range hiredate_1980 hiredate_1980_min 1000 emp_range_range hiredate_1980 hiredate_1980_1000 2000 emp_range_range hiredate_1980 hiredate_1980_2000 3000 emp_range_range hiredate_1980 hiredate_1980_3000 4000 emp_range_range hiredate_1980 hiredate_1980_4000 5000 emp_range_range hiredate_1980 hiredate_1980_max maxvalue ... ... emp_range_range hiredate_1987 hiredate_1987_min 1000 emp_range_range hiredate_1987 hiredate_1987_1000 2000 emp_range_range hiredate_1987 hiredate_1987_2000 3000 emp_range_range hiredate_1987 hiredate_1987_3000 4000 emp_range_range hiredate_1987 hiredate_1987_4000 5000 emp_range_range hiredate_1987 hiredate_1987_max maxvalue emp_range_range hiredate_max hiredate_max_min 1000 emp_range_range hiredate_max hiredate_max_1000 2000 emp_range_range hiredate_max hiredate_max_2000 3000 emp_range_range hiredate_max hiredate_max_3000 4000 emp_range_range hiredate_max hiredate_max_4000 5000 emp_range_range hiredate_max hiredate_max_max maxvalue -- postgresql and ivorysql \d emp_range_range --只能查到一级分区,二级分区需要继续使用 \d 查看 postgres=# \d emp_range_range partitioned table "public.emp_range_range" column | type | collation | nullable | default | storage | stats target | description ---------- ----------------------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- ------------- empno | numeric(4,0) | | | | main | | ename | character varying(10) | | | | extended | | job | character varying(9) | | | | extended | | mgr | numeric(4,0) | | | | main | | hiredate | date | | | | plain | | sal | numeric(7,2) | | | | main | | comm | numeric(7,2) | | | | main | | deptno | numeric(2,0) | | | | main | | partition key: range (hiredate) partitions: emp_range_range_1979 for values from ('1979-01-01') to ('1980-01-01'), partitioned, emp_range_range_1980 for values from ('1980-01-01') to ('1981-01-01'), partitioned, emp_range_range_1981 for values from ('1981-01-01') to ('1982-01-01'), partitioned, emp_range_range_1982 for values from ('1982-01-01') to ('1983-01-01'), partitioned, emp_range_range_1983 for values from ('1983-01-01') to ('1984-01-01'), partitioned, emp_range_range_1984 for values from ('1984-01-01') to ('1985-01-01'), partitioned, emp_range_range_1985 for values from ('1985-01-01') to ('1986-01-01'), partitioned, emp_range_range_1986 for values from ('1986-01-01') to ('1987-01-01'), partitioned, emp_range_range_1987 for values from ('1987-01-01') to ('1988-01-01'), partitioned, emp_range_range_1988 for values from ('1988-01-01') to ('1989-01-01'), partitioned, emp_range_range_default default, partitioned postgres=# \d emp_range_range_1979 partitioned table "public.emp_range_range_1979" column | type | collation | nullable | default | storage | stats target | description ---------- ----------------------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- -------------- ------------- empno | numeric(4,0) | | | | main | | ename | character varying(10) | | | | extended | | job | character varying(9) | | | | extended | | mgr | numeric(4,0) | | | | main | | hiredate | date | | | | plain | | sal | numeric(7,2) | | | | main | | comm | numeric(7,2) | | | | main | | deptno | numeric(2,0) | | | | main | | partition of: emp_range_range for values from ('1979-01-01') to ('1980-01-01') partition constraint: ((hiredate is not null) and (hiredate >= '1979-01-01'::date) and (hiredate < '1980-01-01'::date)) partition key: range (sal) partitions: emp_range_range_1979_1000 for values from (1000.00) to (2000.00), emp_range_range_1979_2000 for values from (2000.00) to (3000.00), emp_range_range_1979_3000 for values from (3000.00) to (4000.00), emp_range_range_1979_4000 for values from (4000.00) to (5000.00), emp_range_range_1979_max for values from (5000.00) to (maxvalue), emp_range_range_1979_min for values from (minvalue) to (1000.00) -- opengauss \d emp_range_range --只能看到分区个数 opengauss=# \d emp_range_range table "public.emp_range_range" column | type | modifiers | storage | stats target | description ---------- -------------------------------- ----------- ---------- -------------- ------------- empno | numeric(4,0) | | main | | ename | character varying(10) | | extended | | job | character varying(9) | | extended | | mgr | numeric(4,0) | | main | | hiredate | timestamp(0) without time zone | | plain | | sal | numeric(7,2) | | main | | comm | numeric(7,2) | | main | | deptno | numeric(2,0) | | main | | partition by range(hiredate) subpartition by range(sal) number of partitions: 10 (view pg_partition to check each partition range.) number of subpartitions: 60 (view pg_partition to check each subpartition range.) has oids: no options: orientation=row, compression=no -- opengauss 的 pg_partition 视图查询一级分区还可以,如果想一次性查询二级分区(subpartition)比较费劲,此时可以使用 compare_tool 工具 opengauss=# select relname,parttype,partstrategy,parentid,boundaries from pg_partition where parentid=(select parentid from pg_partition where relname ='emp_range_range'); relname | parttype | partstrategy | parentid | boundaries ----------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ------------ emp_list | r | l | 25617 | deptno_10 | p | l | 25617 | {10} deptno_20 | p | l | 25617 | {20} deptno_30 | p | l | 25617 | {30}

compare_tool 工具

compare_tool 是一个兼容工具集合,旨在为从其他异构数据库,迁移到 opengauss 之后的系统,创建必要的函数,以及系统视图的兼容。为后续的系统运维与应用改造提供便利。
compare_tool 详情参考:

  • 以下使用 compare_tool 创建 oracle 兼容视图
tar -xvf compat-tools-v2022.03.23.tar gsql -d postgres -p 1412 -u omm -r -f compat-tools/oracle_views.sql gsql -d postgres -p 1412 -u omm -r opengauss=# select table_name,partition_name,subpartition_name,num_rows,high_value from dba_tab_subpartitions where table_name='emp_range_range'; table_name | partition_name | subpartition_name | num_rows | high_value ----------------- ---------------- -------------------- ---------- ------------ emp_range_range | hiredate_1979 | hiredate_1979_min | 0 | 1000 emp_range_range | hiredate_1979 | hiredate_1979_1000 | 0 | 2000 emp_range_range | hiredate_1979 | hiredate_1979_2000 | 0 | 3000 emp_range_range | hiredate_1979 | hiredate_1979_3000 | 0 | 4000 emp_range_range | hiredate_1979 | hiredate_1979_4000 | 0 | 5000 emp_range_range | hiredate_1979 | hiredate_1979_max | 0 | maxvalue ... ...
-- oracle and opengauss alter table emp_range drop partition hiredate_1979; -- postgresql and ivorysql 删除子表就是删除分区 drop table emp_range_hiredate_2020;
  • oracle 和 opengauss 最后一个分区或子分区不允许删除,postgresql and ivorysql 可以删除最后一个分区或子分区
-- oracle ora-14083: cannot drop the only partition of a partitioned table ora-14629: cannot drop the only subpartition of a partition -- opengauss error: cannot drop the only partition of a partitioned table error: cannot drop the only subpartition of a partitioned table
  • oracle 和 opengauss 不允许删除哈希分区表的任何分区或子分区,报错信息如下
-- oracle ora-14255: table is not partitioned by range, list, composite range or composite list method ora-14206: table is not subpartitioned by list or range methods -- opengauss error: droping hash partition is unsupported. error: un-support feature detail: the syntax is unsupported for hash subpartition
  • postgresql 和 ivorysql 虽然可以删除哈希分区表的分区,但是后续插入的数据还会分配到已经删除的分区中,当发现子分区不存在会报出以下错误信息
postgres=# insert into emp_hash (sal) values (2225); error: no partition of relation "emp_hash" found for row detail: partition key of the failing row contains (sal) = (2225.00).
  • oracle 不允许删除间隔分区表手工创建的最后一个分区,报错信息如下
ora-14758: last partition in the range section cannot be dropped


-- 设置自动分区为普通范围分区 sql> alter table emp_interval set interval(); -- 查看修改后的分区信息 sql> select table_name,partition_name,num_rows,high_value,interval from dba_tab_partitions where table_name='emp_interval'; -- 删除手工创建的分区 sql> alter table emp_interval drop partition sal_p1; -- 设置普通分区为自动分区 sql> alter table emp_interval set interval(1000);


  • 添加分区的方式
-- oracle and opengauss alter table emp_range add partition hiredate_1988 values less than (to_date('1989-01-01','yyyy-dd-mm')); alter table emp_list add partition deptno_40 values (40); -- postgresql and ivorysql 创建子表进行增加分区 create table emp_range_hiredate_1989 partition of emp_range for values from ('1989-01-01 00:00:00 08') to ('1990-01-01 00:00:00 08'); create table emp_list_deptno_40 partition of emp_list for values in (40);
  • 如果 postgresql 和 ivorysql 在 range 和 list 类型的分区表的 default 分区中存在要添加的分区数据时
-- 解绑 default 分区 alter table emp_range detach partition emp_range_hiredate_default; -- 创建新分区 create table emp_range_hiredate_2020 partition of emp_range for values from ('2020-01-01 00:00:00 08') to ('2021-01-01 00:00:00 08'); -- default 分区数据转移到 新分区 insert into emp_range_hiredate_2020 select * from emp_range_hiredate_default where hiredate >= ('2020-01-01 00:00:00 08') and hiredate < ('2021-01-01 00:00:00 08'); delete from emp_range_hiredate_default where hiredate >= ('2020-01-01 00:00:00 08') and hiredate < ('2021-01-01 00:00:00 08'); -- 重新绑定 default 分区 alter table emp_range attach partition emp_range_hiredate_default default;
-- 解绑 default 分区 alter table emp_list detach partition emp_list_deptno_default; -- 创建新分区 create table emp_list_deptno_50 partition of emp_list for values in (50); -- default 分区数据转移到 新分区 insert into emp_list_deptno_50 select * from emp_list_deptno_default where deptno = 50; delete from emp_list_deptno_default where deptno = 50; -- 重新绑定 default 分区 alter table emp_list attach partition emp_list_deptno_default default;
  • range 分区表存在 maxvalue 时添加分区的报错信息
-- oracle sql> alter table emp_range add partition hiredate_1988 values less than (to_date('1989-01-01','yyyy-dd-mm')); ora-14074: partition bound must collate higher than that of the last partition -- opengauss opengauss=# alter table emp_range add partition hiredate_1988 values less than (to_date('1989-01-01','yyyy-dd-mm')); error: upper boundary of adding partition must overtop last existing partition
  • list 分区表存在 default 时添加分区的报错信息
-- oracle sql> alter table emp_list add partition deptno_40 values (40); ora-14323: cannot add partition when default partition exists -- opengauss 3.0,opengauss 2.1 不支持 default 分区 opengauss=# alter table emp_list add partition deptno_40 values (40); error: list boundary of adding partition must not overlap with existing partition
  • postgresql 在 range 和 list 类型的分区表的 default 分区中存在要添加的分区数据时的报错信息
postgres=# insert into emp_range (hiredate) values ('2020-02-02'); postgres=# create table emp_range_hiredate_2020 partition of emp_range for values from ('2020-01-01 00:00:00 08') to ('2021-01-01 00:00:00 08'); error: updated partition constraint for default partition "emp_range_hiredate_default" would be violated by some row postgres=# insert into emp_list (deptno) values (50); postgres=# create table emp_list_deptno_50 partition of emp_list for values in (50); error: updated partition constraint for default partition "emp_list_deptno_default" would be violated by some row
  • oracle 支持为 hash 分区表添加分区,添加分区完成后会进行数据重分布
sql> analyze table emp_hash compute statistics; sql> select table_name,partition_name,num_rows,high_value from dba_tab_partitions where table_name='emp_hash'; table_name partition_name num_rows high_value ------------ ----------------- ---------- ------------ emp_hash emp_hash_4 4 emp_hash emp_hash_3 2 emp_hash emp_hash_2 4 emp_hash emp_hash_1 4 sql> alter table emp_hash add partition emp_hash_5; sql> analyze table emp_hash compute statistics; sql> select table_name,partition_name,num_rows,high_value from dba_tab_partitions where table_name='emp_hash'; table_name partition_name num_rows high_value ------------ ---------------- ---------- ----------- emp_hash emp_hash_5 2 emp_hash emp_hash_4 4 emp_hash emp_hash_3 2 emp_hash emp_hash_2 4 emp_hash emp_hash_1 2
  • opengauss 不支持为 hash 分区表添加分区
opengauss=# alter table emp_hash add partition emp_hash_5; error: syntax error at or near ";"
  • postgresql and ivorysql 的 hash 分区表问题
-- 哈希分区有 modulus 总分区个数限制,当分区个数 remainder 达到 modulus 上限时不能添加分区 postgres=# create table emp_hash_5 partition of emp_hash for values with (modulus 4, remainder 4); error: remainder for hash partition must be less than modulus -- 如果分区个数与 modulus 不相等,则插入数据会存在报错现象, -- postgresql 认为当前表的分区个数与 modulus 相等,插入数据时会计算进去,不管真实存在多少个分区。 create table emp_hash (empno numeric(4,0),ename varchar(10),job varchar(9),mgr numeric(4,0),hiredate date,sal numeric(7,2),comm numeric(7,2),deptno numeric(2,0)) partition by hash (sal); create table emp_hash_1 partition of emp_hash for values with (modulus 6, remainder 0); create table emp_hash_2 partition of emp_hash for values with (modulus 6, remainder 1); create table emp_hash_3 partition of emp_hash for values with (modulus 6, remainder 2); create table emp_hash_4 partition of emp_hash for values with (modulus 6, remainder 3); postgres=# insert into emp_hash select * from emp; error: no partition of relation "emp_hash" found for row detail: partition key of the failing row contains (sal) = (800.00).
  • interval 分区表不支持添加分区
sql> alter table emp_interval_date_year add partition hiredate_p2 values less than (to_date('1978-01-01','yyyy-dd-mm')); ora-14760: add partition is not permitted on interval partitioned objects opengauss=# alter table emp_interval_date_year add partition hiredate_p2 values less than (to_date('1978-01-01','yyyy-dd-mm')); error: can not add partition against interval partitioned table
  • 截断分区的方式
-- oracle and opengauss alter table emp_range truncate partition hiredate_1979; alter table emp_range_range truncate subpartition hiredate_1979_3000; -- postgresql and ivorysql 创建子表进行 truncate truncate table emp_range_hiredate_1979; truncate table emp_range_range_1979_3000;
  • 合并分区的方式
-- oracle and opengauss -- opengauss 不支持合并 list/hash 分区表,不支持合并组合分区表,不支持合并 subpartition alter table emp_range merge partitions hiredate_1979,hiredate_1980 into partition hiredate_1980; alter table emp_range_range merge subpartitions hiredate_1980_min,hiredate_1980_1000 into subpartition hiredate_1980_1000; alter table emp_list merge partitions deptno_10,deptno_20 into partition deptno_10_20; alter table emp_interval_date_year merge partitions sys_p1,sys_p2 into partition sys_p2;
  • opengauss 不支持合并 list/hash 分区表
opengauss=# alter table emp_list merge partitions deptno_10,deptno_20 into partition deptno_10_20; error: can not merge list/hash partition table
  • opengauss 不支持合并组合分区表
opengauss=# alter table emp_range_range merge partitions hiredate_1979,hiredate_1980 into partition hiredate_1980; error: un-support feature detail: for subpartition table, merge partitions is not yet supported.
  • opengauss 不支持合并 subpartition
opengauss=# alter table emp_range_range merge subpartitions hiredate_1980_min,hiredate_1980_1000 into subpartition hiredate_1980_1000; error: syntax error at or near "subpartitions" line 1: alter table emp_range_range merge subpartitions hiredate_198... ^
  • hash 分区表不支持合并
-- oracle sql> alter table emp_hash merge partitions emp_hash_3,emp_hash_4 into partition emp_hash_3; ora-14255: table is not partitioned by range, list, composite range or composite list method -- opengauss opengauss=# alter table emp_hash merge partitions emp_hash_3,emp_hash_4 into partition emp_hash_3; error: can not merge list/hash partition table


  • 拆分分区的方式
-- oracle alter table emp_range split partition hiredate_1980 at (to_date('01-01-1980','dd-mm-yyyy')) into (partition hiredate_1979,partition hiredate_1980); alter table emp_range split partition hiredate_max at (to_date('01-01-1989','dd-mm-yyyy')) into (partition hiredate_1988,partition hiredate_max); alter table emp_list split partition deptno_10_20 values(10) into (partition deptno_10, partition deptno_20); alter table emp_interval split partition sys_p135 at (3000) into (partition emp_interval_3000,partition emp_interval_4000); alter table emp_interval_date_year split partition sys_p138 at (to_date('1981-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) into (partition sys_p137,partition sys_p138); alter table emp_range_list split partition hiredate_max at (to_date('1989-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) into (partition hiredate_1988,partition hiredate_max); alter table emp_range_list split subpartition hiredate_1988_deptno_default values(40) into (subpartition hiredate_1988_deptno_40,subpartition hiredate_1988_deptno_default);
  • opengauss 拆分分区,新分区名不能与被拆的分区名相同
opengauss=# alter table emp_range split partition hiredate_max at (to_date('01-01-1989','dd-mm-yyyy')) into (partition hiredate_1988,partition hiredate_max); error: resulting partition "hiredate_max" name conflicts with that of an existing partition opengauss=# alter table emp_range split partition hiredate_max at (to_date('01-01-1989','dd-mm-yyyy')) into (partition hiredate_1988,partition hiredate_max2); alter table
  • opengauss 不支持拆分 list 分区
opengauss=# alter table emp_list split partition deptno_10_20 values(10) into (partition deptno_10, partition deptno_20); error: syntax error at or near "values" line 1: alter table emp_list split partition deptno_10_20 values(10)... ^ opengauss=# alter table emp_list split partition deptno_10_20 at (10) into (partition deptno_10, partition deptno_20); error: can not split list/hash partition table
  • opengauss 不支持拆分组合分区表
opengauss=# alter table emp_range_list split partition hiredate_max at (to_date('1989-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) into (partition hiredate_1988,partition hiredate_max); error: un-support feature detail: for subpartition table, split partition is not supported yet.
  • opengauss 居然支持拆分 subpartition,好意外,而且拆分的子分区还是 list 分区,名称还是冲突的,看来对 subpartition 是 list 分区有特殊对待?
opengauss=# alter table emp_range_list split subpartition hiredate_1987_deptno_default values(40) into (subpartition hiredate_1987_deptno_40,subpartition hiredate_1987_deptno_default); alter table opengauss=# alter table emp_range_range split subpartition hiredate_1987_max at (6000) into (subpartition hiredate_1987_5000, subpartition hiredate_1987_max); error: resulting subpartition "hiredate_1987_max" name conflicts with that of an existing subpartition opengauss=# alter table emp_range_range split subpartition hiredate_1987_max at (6000) into (subpartition hiredate_1987_5000, subpartition hiredate_1987_max2); alter table


  • oracle 的分区交换
-- 创建一个空的普通表 sql> create table hiredate_1981_tt as select * from emp where rownum=0; -- 执行分区交换 sql> alter table emp_range exchange partition hiredate_1981 with table hiredate_1981_tt; -- 查询交换后的普通表和分区里的数据 sql> select * from emp_range partition(hiredate_1981); no rows selected sql> select * from hiredate_1981; empno ename job mgr hiredate sal comm deptno ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 7499 allen salesman 7698 1981-02-20 00:00:00 1600 300 30 7521 ward salesman 7698 1981-02-22 00:00:00 1250 500 30 7566 jones manager 7839 1981-04-02 00:00:00 2975 20 7654 martin salesman 7698 1981-09-28 00:00:00 1250 1400 30 7698 blake manager 7839 1981-05-01 00:00:00 2850 30 7782 clark manager 7839 1981-06-09 00:00:00 2450 10 7839 king president 1981-11-17 00:00:00 5000 10 7844 turner salesman 7698 1981-09-08 00:00:00 1500 0 30 7900 james clerk 7698 1981-12-03 00:00:00 950 30 7902 ford analyst 7566 1981-12-03 00:00:00 3000 20
  • oracle 的组合分区交换一级分区
-- 创建一个空的分区表,分区内容为原分区表的二级分区 create table hiredate_1982_tt ( empno number(4,0) , ename varchar2(10) , job varchar2(9) , mgr number(4,0) , hiredate date , sal number(7,2) , comm number(7,2) , deptno number(2,0) ) partition by range (sal) (partition hiredate_1982_min values less than (1000), partition hiredate_1982_1000 values less than (2000), partition hiredate_1982_2000 values less than (3000), partition hiredate_1982_3000 values less than (4000), partition hiredate_1982_4000 values less than (5000), partition hiredate_1982_max values less than (maxvalue)); -- 执行分区交换 sql> alter table emp_range_range exchange partition hiredate_1982 with table hiredate_1982_tt; -- 查询交换后的普通表和分区里的数据 sql> select * from hiredate_1982_tt; empno ename job mgr hiredate sal comm deptno ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 7934 miller clerk 7782 1982-01-23 00:00:00 1300 10
  • oracle 的组合分区交换一个 subpartition
-- 创建一个空的普通表 sql> create table hiredate_1981_2000_tt as select * from emp where rownum=0; -- 执行分区交换 sql> alter table emp_range_range exchange subpartition hiredate_1981_2000 with table hiredate_1981_2000_tt; -- 查询交换后的普通表和分区里的数据 sql> select * from hiredate_1981_2000_tt; empno ename job mgr hiredate sal comm deptno ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 7566 jones manager 7839 1981-04-02 00:00:00 2975 20 7698 blake manager 7839 1981-05-01 00:00:00 2850 30 7782 clark manager 7839 1981-06-09 00:00:00 2450 10
  • opengauss 上没有测试成功,不晓得啥原因
opengauss=# create table hiredate_1981_tt as select * from emp where rownum=0; insert 0 0 opengauss=# alter table emp_range exchange partition hiredate_1981 with table hiredate_1981_tt; error: syntax error at or near "hiredate_1981" line 1: alter table emp_range exchange partition hiredate_1981 with ... ^ opengauss=# alter table emp_range_range exchange subpartition hiredate_1981_2000 with table hiredate_1981_2000_tt; error: syntax error at or near "subpartition hiredate_1981_2000" line 1: alter table emp_range_range exchange subpartition hiredate_1... ^
  • postgresql and ivorysql 的分区交换就是先解绑子表再绑定普通表
-- 创建一个空的普通表 postgres=# create table hiredate_1981_tt as select * from emp limit 0; -- 解绑子表 postgres=# alter table emp_range detach partition emp_range_hiredate_1981; -- 绑定普通表 postgres=# alter table emp_range attach partition hiredate_1981_tt for values from ('1981-01-01') to ('1982-01-01'); -- 看心情改名字 alter table ... rename to ...;


-- oracle sql> alter table emp_range move partition hiredate_1987 tablespace users; sql> alter table emp_range_range move subpartition hiredate_1987_3000 tablespace users; -- opengauss [omm@mysql ~]$ mkdir /home/omm/tbs_users opengauss=# create tablespace tbs_users owner omm location '/home/omm/tbs_users'; opengauss=# alter table emp_range move partition hiredate_1987 tablespace tbs_users; -- postgresql and ivorysql 就是对表进行移动 [postgres@pgtest2 ~]$ mkdir /home/postgres/tbs_users postgres=# create tablespace tbs_users owner postgres location '/home/postgres/tbs_users'; postgres=# alter table emp_range_hiredate_1987 set tablespace tbs_users;
  • oracle 和 opengauss 不能移动组合分区的一级分区
sql> alter table emp_range_range move partition hiredate_1987 tablespace users; ora-14257: cannot move partition other than a range, list, system, or hash partition opengauss=# alter table emp_range_range move partition hiredate_1987 tablespace tbs_users; error: un-support feature detail: for subpartition table, modifying tablespace is not yet supported.
  • opengauss 不能移动 subpartition
opengauss=# alter table emp_range_range move subpartition hiredate_1987_3000 tablespace tbs_users; error: syntax error at or near "subpartition hiredate_1987_3000" line 1: alter table emp_range_range move subpartition hiredate_1987_... ^
-- oracle and opengauss alter table emp_interval rename partition sys_p133 to emp_interval_2000; alter table emp_range_range rename partition hiredate_1987 to hiredate_1987_2; alter table emp_range_range rename subpartition hiredate_1987_1000 to hiredate_1987_1000_2; -- postgresql and ivorysql 就是修改表名 alter table emp_range_hiredate_1983 rename to emp_range_hiredate_1983_2; alter table emp_range_range_1983 rename to emp_range_range_1983_2; alter table emp_range_range_1983_3000 rename to emp_range_range_1983_3000_2;
  • opengauss 3.0 不支持修改组合分区的一级分区名
opengauss=# alter table emp_range_range rename partition hiredate_1987 to hiredate_1987_2; error: un-support feature detail: for subpartition table, alter table ... rename partition/subpartition is not yet supported.
  • opengauss 不支持修改 subpartition 的名称
opengauss=# alter table emp_range_range rename subpartition hiredate_1987_1000 to hiredate_1987_1000_2; error: syntax error at or near "hiredate_1987_1000" line 1: alter table emp_range_range rename subpartition hiredate_198... ^
最后修改时间:2022-04-13 14:18:59

